Friday, June 24, 2005

Enemy Watch:

It's always a good idea to know what the enemy's propaganda machine is doing: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

A few months ago we gave you this piece on Britain's Muslim propaganda machine. This group is one of its major components. They go to great lengths to promote the Muslim agenda of abolishing all remnants of Western culture while attempting to pass themselves off as peace-loving people who just want to get along and that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.

Go here, and read some articles from the enemy. Here are a few headlines and teasers to piss you off:
We need this law to fight hatred
Thursday 23rd June 2005
"The Racial and Religious Hatred Bill is not about gagging comedians or curbing criticism of any religion. It is about giving Muslims and other followers of religions the same protection from hate crimes as, for example, black people", Sadiq Khan, MP for Tooting.
Israel resumes targeted killings
Thursday 23rd June 2005
The resumption by Israel of the deliberate assassination of leaders from the Islamic movements is the zionists' only response to the growing political popularity and stature of Hamas. Confronted with the tide of democracy, the only antidote available to Sharon and his thugs is the resort to violence and murder.
In the name of security
Wednesday 22nd June 2005
The Statue of Liberty, once the icon of the US's tribute to freedom and hope, has been replaced by another symbol, GuantÙ„namo Bay, and Britain's main ally in the coalition that illegally invaded Iraq now sends detainees to countries that practise torture and feels able to justify it.