Saturday, June 11, 2005

"Road Warriors:" A Soldier's Story

This is from Capt. John "Baghdaddy" Upperman, a soldier in Iraq, doing a great job like 99.9% of the rest of our men and women in uniform do. He's got a great mil-blog that you should visit often, and we have a link provided on the right (where else?) sidebar.

Below is one of his latest entries from June 6 entitled "Road Warriors." Normally we don't post articles in their entirety, but this is an exception. The next time you think you're having a bad day, remember these guys.
Road Warriors

I just returned from a short trip. My destination was six hours round trip, and the three hours each way just about sucked the life out of me. The ride is monotonous and the barely-working air conditioner was struggling to make a difference in the 115 degree temperature outside. Combine all of this with an extra 40 pounds of body armor and gear, and you have a sweat-drenched uniform at the end of the trip.

Yet I only do this a few times a month. The troops in our unit are doing this daily, and sometimes they are travelling ten or twelve hours round trip. They are either providing security for re-supply convoys, or they are performing patrols along the road looking for IED's or any other signs of bad guys. As they repeatedly drive along these routes they are watching and waiting for the next ambush. I'm sure they feel like moving targets as they wonder when the next IED, RPG, and/or the next round of gunfire goes off in a less than desirable direction. A vast majority of the time nothing happens, but sometimes there is that "brief moment of chaos" that I have referred to previously. So far we have been fortunate with no serious injuries. But there have been some very close calls.

I guess my point in all of this (and yes, I do have one) is that I see these guys doing this day in and day out, and it makes me proud. It reminds me of why we have the greatest Army in the world. Because men like these (some are barely old enough to be called "men") are willing to do a job that no one else will do. Do they gripe and complain? You betcha! Griping is practically an art form in the Army. If Joe isn't complaining about something, then he's probably sleeping. But despite all the monaing and groaning he crawls out of the rack every morning and does his job in a manner that should make you proud. Every day he puts his neck on the line for a place he doesn't call home and for a people that he doesn't know... and he does it with honor and integrity.

Let no one convince you of anything less.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Koffing Anus Hacks-Up a Hairball

Like all good Leftists, the Koffing Anus is calling on the world's wealthier nations to spend more money on third world development:
UNITED NATIONS - Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Thursday called 2005 "a make-or-break moment" for the world's poor and urged all rich nations to follow the European Union and boost aid, improve trade and provide debt relief.
Yeah, right, follow the EU.

As much as I respect British PM Tony Blair for his support in the War on Terror, I really disagree with him on this point:
British Prime Minister Tony Blair went to see President Bush on Tuesday to seek a writeoff of impoverished nations' debt and a doubling of aid to Africa. Bush inched towards Blair's position on writing off debt but the British prime minister said tough negotiations are needed ahead of the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland.
The President pledged something on the order of $800 million! Write-off the debts?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!

We have been spending big money on the turd world for the last 50 years with little to show for it. If money was the answer, we certainly have spent more than enough to have made a difference by now. Oh, I'm sure there are a few examples where there has been some real progress, but these are too few to be considered representative.

The problem is not a lack of money; it's how the money is being spent and who is ultimately getting it. As long as there are governments like that of "Mad Bob" Mugabe receiving aid money sent to them, you can be sure it will never reach the people who need it. Look at the infamous "Oil-for-Food" program: How much of that money ever made it past Saddam's next palace make-over? Furthermore, look at all the opportunities for graft and corruption that are created through international relief efforts - especially when the corrupt dictators' union known as the UN is involved.

Continue to say "NO" to the UN. They need the US more than we need them.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Quick News

Why does this not shock me?
L.A. Times Spouse Joins McCain

The wife of the Los Angeles Times' top political reporter, Ron Brownstein, is leaving CNN to become Sen. John McCain's communications director - but the Times says that won't be a conflict of interest.
Considering McCain's recent exploits in the Senate I don't think it will be either.

More Border Insanity

I know this is nothing new, but, as if we don't have enough problems with the illegals, now apparently there are two US Border Patrol agents from San Diego who have been allegedly conspiring with a Mexican drug ring:
Agent Shawn Moran spoke to 760 KFMB's Rick Roberts, confirming on his show that two border patrol agents are under investigation for allegedly working with a Mexican drug smuggling gang. Moran claims it could be the same gang that shot another agent near the border last Friday.

The shooting happened on Tierra Del Sol Road near Highway 94. The border patrol says the agent was shot in the leg while confronting a group of suspected drug smugglers. The suspects got away, but investigators say they found 1,000 pounds of marijuana inside the vehicle.
Here's that story:
A manhunt is underway Friday for an armed man who shot a border patrol agent in the leg during a confrontation in southeastern San Diego County, according to officials.

The shooting happened at about 8 a.m. near the intersection of Tierra del Sol Road and Old Highway 80 in the Live Oak Springs area, officials from both the U.S. Border Patrol and the Sheriff's Department.
It needs to be open season on these rats coming ILLEGALLY into the US. This just pisses me off.

Howard Dean: GOP Operative or Certifiable Lunatic?

Howard Dean:
"This is one of those flaps that comes up once in awhile when I get tough," Dean said. "We have to be rough on the Republicans. Republicans don't represent ordinary Americans and they don't have any understanding of what it is to go out and try and make ends meet."
I really think this guy is working for the RNC. He has to be. He is doing more for Republican "PR" than any Republican ever could. Howard "Chucky" Dean's comments are so absurd that the only people who would truly believe his rhetoric are insane Leftists who will become more identifiable in the public eye if they support his views. The Dems are spinning in all directions and have no clearly defined platform other than to oppose anything and everything most Americans hold dear.

It also appears that Dean isn't keepin' it real with the Dems' appeal to their long-cherished minority constituency either. He's just fakin' da funk and dissin' da hood. Word up, "He just not down wit da shizzle, my nizzle!"
Hip-hop honcho Russell Simmons said yesterday that Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean isn't doing as well with African-Americans as his GOP counterpart, Ken Mehlman.

"When it comes to reaching out to poor people and minorities, I think there's no enthusiasm on Howard's part," Simmons told the New York Daily News.
Thank you, Lord, for Howard Dean.

We're Back...with a Fly Swatter and a Tiny Violin

Hello, we're back, but we're on dial-up, temporarily, anyway...until our DSL broadband gets connected...which should be just a matter of a few keystrokes by somebody on "their" end...but even though our phone and dial-up are activated, our account apparently is not yet what they term "completed"....that should happen tomorrow, at which time I am to call them back and request an activation for broadband...I was told Saturday that I should not expect to have broadband until the 1st of July...then it was the 24th of this they tell me it could be as soon as the this point I am almost convinced that nobody knows any more about what is going on than I do, which isn't saying anything since I don't work there...oh well....let's get right into some good stuff, shall we?

First, a tiny violin for remember Spain, once a part of the coalition of the willing? Then a civilian train got bombed by brave, honorable, peace-loving Moooslims, and they voted in a socialist president. And now they act like a neighboring surrender monkey nation. This is almost comical:
MADRID (Reuters) - A Spanish judge wants to question three U.S. soldiers as suspects in the death of a Spanish cameraman who was killed when a U.S. tank fired on a hotel housing foreign journalists during the 2003 assault on Baghdad.

The Pentagon has found no fault with the soldiers, but High Court Judge Santiago Pedraz wants to question the three men who were in the tank, a court official said on Tuesday.

Telecinco cameraman Jose Couso and Reuters cameraman Taras Protsiuk died and several other people were injured by a shell fired on the Palestine Hotel in the Iraqi capital on April 8, 2003, in the U.S.-led war to topple Saddam Hussein.
Hey, jerk-off, it's a war zone, and reporters take their chances. It is not our job to provide security for journalists, and if they are in the wrong place at the wrong time...oh well.
The soldiers would be questioned as suspects for murder and for crimes against the international community, which carry sentences of 15 to years in jail and 10 to 15 years respectively.
Murder? Crimes against the "international community?" Two words: FUCK OFF!
Legal sources say the U.S. Army is unlikely to grant access to the soldiers, and if the case ever got far enough to warrant arrests the soldiers could only be arrested in Spain.
Pretty much what I thought. I just have to laugh at the nerve of these little impotent, asshat countries that hide from their own shadows at the same time they throw rocks at the US. It's like a pussy dog that barks but will never bite.

Where's my fly-swatter?


When push comes to shove...when the shit hits the proverbial fan, I don't think our troops are going to do anything differently. The US will not hand over any of our troops to a foreign government.

That last quote I provided from the article sums it all up: It's a story where there is no story. Nothing will ever come from this, so what's the point in reporting it?

It makes our troops look bad, and that's good for the MSM.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


The continuous selective blindness that the UN and Amnesty International have adopted in regards to matters in the African continent have had there desired effect. The MSM hot in pursuit by their lack of coverage of the true atrocities that are occuring in regions in African support both the UN and AI's agenda of cover up. Here are a few examples:

1500 Christians Slain in Nigeria:

PLATEAU, Nigeria -- According to the mission group ‘Open Doors with Brother Andrew,’ some 1,500 Christians were slain within the last few weeks in the Nigerian state of Plateau in a slew of religious violence that destroyed 173 churches and displaced 25,000 people.

And this is rich from my favourite despot "Mad Bob Mugabe". Notice how he starts his introduction, WTF!!!!

Dear Comrades
After the recent spate of biased and mischievous reporting by the colonialist foreign press, I have ultimately decided to reveal to you, the honest and hard-working citizens of Zimbabwe, a little more of Mugabe - The Man.

I know you love your leader as much as you love your country. I know you deserve to see what kind of man I am. To those of you that already know me, this will simply be a joyous refresher of your cherished memories of me. To those with the still unfulfilled desire to know me better, I welcome you to an intimate glimpse of Mugabe - The Man.
Now let us see what this man is really like. As we all know Amnesty International and the United Nations love him for being the great humanitarian that he is:
Zimbabwean police threatened on Monday to deal "ruthlessly" with anyone who joins a general strike called to protest against a government demolition campaign that has left about 200 000 of the urban poor homeless in the middle of the Southern African winter.
and we all know he loves financial situations, and he is great at providing food and care for his people.

Does the UN and super powers react to these atrocities...answer yep... they are sending more Aid, another pledge of $800 million from the US and supposedly the target amount of a few billion is supposed to end the starvation and third world conditions of the African peoples. Hell, if you believe more money is the answer I say to you , you are a fool, throw away the rose tinted glasses and send a few mercenaries over there to kill Mad Bob and his like, before sending money.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Iraq News the MSM Won't Cover

Please visit this site for Iraq news you won't see in the MSM. The story speaks for itself.

San Diego Talk Show Hosts Named in Lawsuit over War Memorial Cross

Yesterday I told you that local San Diego radio talk show host, Rick Roberts, has been named in a lawsuit over the Mt. Soledad War Memorial cross that atheist Philip Paulson and his attorney, Jim McElroy, filed last week. Roberts regularly substitutes for Michael Savage on his national talk show. Also named in the lawsuit is another local talk show host, former San Diego mayor Roger Hedgecock, who is a regular fill-in for another national host, Rush Limbaugh. Read about it here and here.

This has been going on for nearly 15 years. The people of San Diego and the majority of local government officials either don't have a problem with the cross remaining where it is or fully suport efforts to keep it there. Donna Frye, the moonbat fly in the ointment of the mayor's race controversy, is one of the councilpersons opposed to the cross, but that should come as no surprise.

I'm not what you would call a particularly religious man in any sense, but I just can't understand what motivates assholes like this McElroy and Paulson and that other jerk-off from the San Fran area, Michael Nudow. Rather than simply ignoring this rather innocuous cross atop a mountain that you can't see half the time because of smog or fog, they feel they have the right to disrupt everybody else's life because something offends them. I wish them ill will and misery for the rest of their natural lives.

Monday, June 06, 2005

The Mae and Joe Update

Hi folks! Well, my new job is not yet final, but I should find out by the end of this week. In the interim Mae and I are in the guest house in the back property of her mom's place here in Rotorua so we can be ready to go at a moment's notice.

Winter is officially here as the night time temps are now regularly below freezing. The air is crisp and clean, and the night time skies are spectacular when there are no clouds - it's like being in a planetarium.

There is a problem with the phone line in the guest house - the service is "on," but the line is dead - so I am currently at an internet cafe. If I have more time tomorow I will come in and make a post or two. One story of interest in relation to the story about the San Diego mayor's race (kinda) is the fact that morning talk show host at KFMB760, Rick Roberts, is being sued by the ACLU for his support of keeping the cross at the war memorial atop Mt. Soledad. For more info click on our link to KFMB760 on the right sidebar, and click the link to the Rick Roberts home page. I will try to find a story about it in the paper and put it up tomorrow.

That's it for now. Hopefully we'll have a connection soon at the house and back up and running shortly. David, aka DR@HDfixit, has the helm. Be good and we'll see you all again very soon.