"I've looked at heaps and piles of facts about what the deranged leaders of this nation are willing to do to the men and women who wear the US military uniform, and I've come to two conclusions. This country's most expendable commodity is its children and, with few exceptions, Americans appear to be both senseless and blind."
"Of course there's going to be a draft, if for no other reason than George Bush has steadfastly promised there wouldn't be one.
They're coming after our children -- sweeping them all up -- bullying them at schools, stalking them, offering them big bucks to join the military. And there's no one to stop them. Servile Americans, even those who can still see, feel helpless. When faced with the decision to stand up and speak up, or give up their children, they are bombarded from all sides with strident demands for patriotism so, like their counterparts of empirical Rome, Americans await their fate -- their children's fate -- in silent despair."
Got your attention? Yes, it's another moonbat Leftist, one
Sheila Samples, who needs a good fingering (take that any way you want to. I don't care.) Let's get started, shall we?
Hey, you dipshit, I noted that nowhere in your article did you mention that the only talk and advocacy of the draft has come from the DUMMYCRAPS!!! Dummycraps like
Congressman Charlie "don't call me Elmer Fudd" Rangel (D-NY). Remember the pre-election scare in which thousands of
emails were sent to late teens and young adults, telling them President Bush was going to re-instate the draft? And this constant heart-tugging by referring to our military persons as "children" is just wrong! They are adults, grown men and women who are doing what they chose to do.
Maybe this silly twat should start a group....they could call themselves "MAMS" - Mothers Against the Military.
This piece of emotional, heart-string-tugging drivel is laughable. It's laughable because it's nothing more than a run-of the-mill Bush-bashing tirade. I really think that one of the Left's objectives is to saturate the marketplace of ideas with their insanity just to confuse those future historians who will be looking at all of our media, trying to explain the happenings of our times. To hear clap-trap such as this Samples chick and countless others, you would think that President Bush is as evil or worse than Saddam Hussein! It just drives me crazy! Regardless of how you feel about why the US went into Iraq, at least people aren't being put through industrial plastic shredders anymore.
The second part of the article is a condemnation of the use of depleted uranium:
"When will we realize we are the terrorists, and our *weapon of mass destruction is Depleted Uranium?"
More of the self-loathing, America-hating rhetoric that comes from the Left. Sheila, when you use words like "terrorist" to describe America or Americans, whatever else you have to say that may be cogent will be dismissed by those same Americans you are trying to reach. Get a clue; or take a Dale Carnegie course.
Sheila concludes:
"Because we are Americans, it is not acceptable that our bloodthirsty leaders be allowed to continue to rain DU down upon the world with full knowledge of its destructive potential. We cannot allow Bush to continue to kill our children -- our unborn children -- as he whips up new candidates for death in his rollicking 'scavenger hunt for terror.' It's time we stopped it."
The bottom line is that this article is nothing more than a Leftist, Bush-bashing piece that uses an emotional ploy, scare tactics, and irrelevant facts - lots of good information on DU, but no facts whatsoever regarding the draft coming back...except that she hates George W. Bush - to deliver its message. Sure, DU is really nasty stuff. I know because I was trained how to use it. But it's like saying getting attacked by a Great White shark is really bad. Duh, what's the point? However, if Ms. Samples is really so concerned about ridding the planet of DU, more power to her. But she could leave her politics out of it. DU and the other nasties we have in our arsenals have been around long before George W. Bush, and they'll be around long after he's gone. So give me a break already.
Sheila Samples, consider yourself fingered.