Thursday, July 28, 2005


Thanks to David for sending this one:
A man goes into an adult entertainment shop and asks the assistant for an inflatable doll.

"Would you like male or female?" "Female, please."

"Would you like Black or White?" "White, please."

"Would you like Christian or Muslim?"

This question confused the man and he replied, "What has the religion got to do with it? It's an inflatable doll!"

"Well," explained the assistant, "the Muslim one blows itself up."
Bada-bing, bada-boom!

The Doom and Gloom Media Love to Gloat

Here's the headline: US military hits ammunition shortages.

They love the quagmire scenario for our troops, but, upon closer scrutiny, this is a story about nothing. Here's how it starts (italics are mine):
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States cannot keep up with military demand for ammunition which has more than doubled since the war on terrorism and the invasion of Iraq were launched, according to a Congress watchdog report.
What report? What watchdog group? By not naming either, the story loses all credibility. Read the rest, and you'll see the story fizzle to nothing.

So why would responsible media print it? Because it attempts to make our efforts look futile, and that makes good copy, not to mention emboldens the enemy. I guess they're not very responsible...or honest.