Saturday, April 30, 2005

Rants for the Day

First, regarding Hassan Akbar, the Muslim traitor in the midst of the US Army who murdered his brothers in arms in Kuwait, prior to invading Iraq - This scumbag, piece of shit, goat-fucker sympathizer should have been shot or beaten to death on the spot back in Kuwait. Since that didn’t happen, he should die by one of the many means the Bedouins have used for thousands of years. Beat and scourge him until a bloddy mess but still conscious, and throw him in a burlap sack with a half-dozen hungry feral cats. Tie the sack, and start hitting its contents with a stick to get the cats pissed off, at which point they start shredding Akbar. Remove mutilated, unidentifiable contents and send pictures to al Jazeera. Send the actual contents to his mother to remind her what a piece of traitorous shit she raised. I am off the charts here with rage, but that is how strongly I feel about this. To harsh? Sue me. Like I care...
Next, the "mother" who stabbed her 9 year old son and 3 year old daughter to death - over 100 times each. What the hell is going on in our society? I am at a loss for words to even try to make any sense of something like this. The father came home and found his children. Can you imagine what was going through his mind, the pain and shock he felt when he found the "mother" sitting next to the bloody corpse that was once his daughter? Can you imagine the pain and agony, what was going through the minds of those poor, innocent children as they were being brutally butchered to death BY THEIR MOTHER?!!! Can you? CAN YOU?!!!!! I cannot. This useless waste of flesh admitted doing it. Why bother with a trial? Her fate? See above for my prescription for Akbar's fate.

But I'm making a prediction, based on this: "The stabbings came five years after the couple's 3-month-old daughter died in a fire at an Elk Grove Village town house where the family then lived. The cause of the 2000 fire remains undetermined, but foul play was never suspected, said Larry Hammar, deputy chief of the Elk Grove Village Police. Hammar said his department will investigate that fire again. The mother was home at the time of the blaze."

Some low-life, scumbag attorney will certainly use that to show she is insane and not competent to stand trial. It's pretty self-evident that only an insane monster would do such a thing, but I do not agree that it absolves one of responsibility. She did it, and I don't care why. This bitch should die a slow, miserable, excruciatingly painful death. Again, do I sound too harsh? Compassion and forgiveness for the butchers and monsters of society are God's job, not mine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the "mother" who stabbed her children to death - personally, I believe if an individual knows enough to conform their behavior when a police officer or other 'authority figure' is around, they CANNOT claim insanity .................. if this miserable excuse for a woman had attempted her brutalities in front of her husband, THEN she could claim insanity ................ she's not crazy, just evil!
Semper Fi'

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