Saturday, April 30, 2005


This is asking for trouble, a fleet of ships surrounding the USA in the very near future, not to defend from attack but to flaunt laws. I can envisage a flotilla of Minute Men with real danger in their hearts becoming scuba divers with bombs.

Foreign Workers Coming to a Cruise Ship Near You: "Outsourcing" – which has become synonymous with sending American jobs to India or China – could soon mean foreign workers sleeping in ships just a few miles off America's coasts."

Seacode is the name of the company that is about to taste the anger of American Citizens. My advice is to ensure that legislation is brought about to force any company or person using their programs or any aspect of any design completed by them to be acknowledged in full....a bit like additives in food, and then each and every person stop using or buying from those companies.

Warning to Seacode, make sure they can all swim.

"The company, SeaCode, will seek to classify the workers as "seamen," avoiding U.S. payroll taxes and the need for immigration visas.

Programmers from places like India and Russia would work 8-hour or 10-hour shifts, either day or night. Take-home pay: About $21,500 a year.

Compare that to the salary of an American programmer – median salary for programmers is around $60,000, and those with extensive experience can make $125,000 or more - and U.S. companies like SeaCode could reap a windfall."

Can you imagine Islamic fanatics being aboard these ships , the havoc that could be wrought upon the coasts of America. Seaman is an apt name for these workers , as the will be running in their jeans, for their lives.

Hat Tip to Vilmar


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