Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What is an Intellectual Moron?

Read about this piece of used toilet paper and her claims and you will have the answer.

Antje Vollmer of the Green Party is one of its highest-ranking women in political office. When she talks, people listen. But last week we were a little baffled when we saw her shameless contribution to the growing canon of anti-American conspiracy theories and baseless analogies circulating in Germany.

Green does = Moonbat but this next quote by Vollmer, surpasses all. Who the hell does she think she is anyway, Barbara Boxer?

Germany's highest ranking female member of parliament has a new theory: the US government set the Catholic pedophilia scandal in motion because it wanted to weaken an already frail pope. That's also why it made Poland its chief partner in the Iraq war: to make the Vatican look bad. Yeah right.

Read the article here in full

By Mae