Wednesday, May 11, 2005

More Border Issues

"Prop 200 Screening Out Illegal Voters": "Prop 200 Screening Out Illegal Voters
"Stricter immigration laws now on the books in Arizona that require elections officials to check for proof of citizenship have uncovered thousands of new registrants who don't qualify to vote."
In Arizona's Prima County alone, elections officials have rejected 59 percent of all applicants in the last two weeks - or 423 of the 712 new registrants."
Typical Liberal response:
"It's just another obstacle for voters to deal with," Eckerstrom griped. "The whole idea behind this thing is to suppress voter turnout."

He said Proposition 200's "real intent" was to make it difficult for voters - especially those inclined to vote Democratic - to cast a ballot.
Another booming success for Arizona
"A day after the Arizona Senate passed legislation that would make English the official language of Arizona, U.S. English, Inc. Chairman Mauro E. Mujica urged Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano to sign the measure into law.
Then again Liberal solutions: here
"Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) are set to unveil a bipartisan plan for sweeping immigration reform that includes a controversial provision allowing some undocumented workers to apply for permanent residency."
Look who supports them
"The McCain-Kennedy measure "is a perfect transition after the Real ID," said Michelle Waslin, director of immigration policy at the National Council of La Raza, an immigrant advocacy group."
Here is a nice quote from La Raza's site:
"REAL ID Act, introduced by House Judiciary Committee Chair F. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), would make all Americans less safe and undermine fundamental American values of fairness, due process, and protection of those fleeing persecution."
Now the States are undermining:
"States are threatening to challenge in court and even disobey new orders from Congress to start issuing more uniform driver's licenses and verify the citizenship or legal status of people getting them."
Is this reason enough for people to get totally behind Congress and support uniform identification? Tell your State governors to back off, we want this implementation. Who cares about monetary costs when you consider the possible alternative? Are you ready to sacrifice the lives of future generations for a little inconvenience?
"All but one of the 19 hijackers in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks had some form of U.S. identification, some of it fraudulent, the Sept. 11 Commission found. The commission recommended the federal government set standards for birth certificates and other identification documents, including driver's licenses."
The Immigration Blog: "Kennedy specifically denies that this is an 'amnesty', but any difference between SAOIA and amnesty is purely semantic. Expect semantics - or, more properly, doublespeak - to be a major part of the debate on this bill."


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