Tuesday, May 10, 2005

They really ARE Camel Jockeys

I thought this was a joke, but it seems like a big deal in the land of the goat fornicators:
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have signed a $2.7 million agreement to help return and re-integrate underage camel racers in their home communities.
Read the rest; it speaks for itself. Ass-backwards, 11th century-minded desert dwellers. Camel jockeys, indeed.

*As a side note, the site where we obtained this story is a wealth of moonbat folly which provides an endless source of amusement. They claim to be "independent," but apparently they don't know they're a bunch of Leftist propagandists. I think they will need a good fingering soon.


Blogger Mae said...

OCM I too have read and seen documentaries of these children. The worst part is that the families don't want them back anyway. While the kids are successful the live a great life, seems everywhere in the east kids are just treated like disposal useful tools.

Look at the region that condones the killing of sisters, daughters for the mere transgression of a female looking at someone the should not or her veil slipped, or worse she gets raped and has no veil on when found so they hang her.

7:24 AM  

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