Monday, May 09, 2005

Who is Right?

I realise this is not a pretty topic to read or view, however, so many have forgotten the purpose, the real reasons behind the occupation of Iraq. Saddam!!!....he was an ally to Al Qaeda and a murderer of 100's of thousands of innocents.
"I hope that the evidence the un-named archaeologist finds will help prosecute Saddam Hussein and his lieutenants. When I see images like these, I can't help but remember that France, Germany, and Russia would have kept Saddam in power."
All the liberal minded out there that keep pulling rose coloured glasses over their eyes, explain again why the US and her allies are fighting an unjust war. BTW, here are some figures to start tossing about with the ones you use for the unfortunate losses that have occured in the fight of freeing a country from tyranny.
"182,000 Kurds are still unaccounted for..."