Tuesday, May 24, 2005

You Won't Believe This

The moonbats are circling, coming from everywhere now:

We hear even more serious accusations, such as Qurans being thrown to the floor, stepped on and even wrapped in an Israeli flag, all with the obvious intent of antagonizing the detainees.

Editor's Note: We are grateful to Mr. Falkoff for this exclusive interview with Vibes, despite the sensitivity of the issue. Here he has exposed, without reservation, new shocking reports of inhumane treatment that Guantanamo prisoners are subjected to. The American Press has yet to grasp the depth of the abuse.

Read the whole thing if you can. It's full of "allegations," "accusations," and "reports of," but NO FACTS!!! It's non-news that is supposed to make me feel pity for the lowest of the low, but just leaves me thinking, "Yeah, so what's the big deal?" This Leftist drivel is almost laughable except for the fact that so many people actually take pity on these prisoners and hold our interrogation practices in contempt. Look at this sample below. "Threatened" rape, ink used to fool a prisoner into thinking he was being smeared with menstrual blood - more of this "religious torture" that gives elevated status to Islam. It's called taking something a person holds near and dear to him and using it against him to get him to co-operate. Look at the language used to elicit an emotional response of sympathy for the prisoners and/or vague language:
I recently spoke with a Washington Post reporter about sexual abuse – including threatened rape – suffered by some of our clients. I described stories from two of them that to me are as much about religious as sexual abuse. One of our clients told me about a detainee who refused to talk during questioning by a female interrogator; according to the detainee, the female interrogator “punished” him by smearing what the detainee believed to be menstrual blood on his chest. When I first heard this story I did not credit it because it sounded so ludicrous. The day after my interview with the client, however, I learned from news reports that a former guard at Guantánamo will soon publish a book in which he acknowledges that precisely such tactics were used on detainees – although he explained that, unbeknownst to the detainees, the “blood” was in fact red ink.
Even if any of this is true, I just don't see a problem or why anybody needs to know about it. It's playing on some stupid bastard's 11th century superstitious bullshit to make him talk. So what? These fools on the Left have not a clue that those at Guantanamo are the worst of the worst - and the Lefties don't realize that these animals would cut their skrawny Leftist throats if given the chance. These prisoners are not entitled to any US Constitutional rights nor Geneva Convention standards. To insist that they are is pure insanity and constitutes giving aid and comfort to the enemy. This is the real world, people, not an episode of "Law and Order." I really feel there should be a black-out on all of this as people are not able to deal with the facts of a cold, hard world.


Blogger BobF said...

Isn’t there enough news in the world that these jerks have to go out and make more. Knowing that printing this crap about the Koran will incite riots in the Muslim world is like going into a theater and yelling FIRE. These news organizations don’t care how many people die as long as they have sensational headlines to print or show on TV. Nothing makes better viewing to them than an Arab getting blown away or an American hanging from a bridge with his corpse still smoldering. It doesn’t matter if the incidents or stories are true or not, just knowing the consequences if they go to print should make these scum bags hold off. Freedom of the Press is one thing but abuse of the press is another.

Case in point: How many times have you seen on the news a video clip of a person being attacked or in a situation where they need immediate help. You get to watch the whole video, right? Why isn’t the camera person helping the victim? I mean, he’s just standing there video taping the whole thing. Why…it makes great viewing on TV. The news organization will let the person die rather than put the cameras down and lend a hand.

1:35 AM  
Blogger Mae said...

Ah, but then they would lose their status as objective journalists...

11:28 AM  

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