Thursday, April 14, 2005

Al Pieda Strikes Again

Remember these two asshats that threw two pies at right-wing columnist, lecturer, and author, Ann Coulter, in October of last year while she was giving a speech at the campus of the University of Arizona? Well, it seems that incident and the failure of the Pima County DA's office to pursue charges against these two miscreants has sparked a wave of pie and other food-related attacks on other conservative/right-wing speakers at various college campuses around the United States. At first glance it may seem like childish behavior - which it is; what else can I think when I hear that a group actually calls itself Al Pieda? - but what lies beneath the act is the intent. To these folks it is free speech or "non-violent protest," but it's all about pushing that envelope, isn't it? I mean, non-violent protest usually consists of having sit-ins, carrying signs, and such. Now they throw pies. Tomorrow...? Hell, there was a Dutch politician who had two urine laced pies thrown at him and week later he was shot to death after he he expressed fear for his life. You'll find that and more when you read this.

This really touches on something I feel very strongly about which is the pervasiveness of Leftist ideology in not only our universities, but our entire primary education system as well. What happened to the tolerance that the Left is always preaching? Where's the diversity they always say they want? Or is it only diversity based on skin color or ethnic background? To be sure there is a certain amount of hate and insanity on the Right as well, but they are on the fringe - you nut jobs out there that hold-up big posters with photos of dead fetuses or think bombing abortion clinics is OK, I reject you completely. The pie throwers from the Left may be on the fringe, but the mainstream Left condones it with its silence. You know damn well that if two conservatives threw pies at Michael Moore it would be headline news, if only briefly. Anybody who denies there is a double standard in the MMS is either blind, deaf, stupid, or is simply not intellectually honest.


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