Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Beginning of Hope?

I say, hope and pray, that this is a sign of Homeland Security finally breaching the constraints of politicial bullshit ....57 illegals arrested last month working at airports and other risk sensitive facilities.

In one example, a Peruvian was hired as an airplane mechanic in Greensboro, N.C., using a fake Social Security card he bought for $70 on a soccer field, according to court documents. In another, a Florida power plant was alerted to a Mexican working at its nuclear facility only after being tipped off by labor union employees, company officials said."

"As many as 11 million illegal immigrants live in the United States, according to a recent study by the Pew Hispanic Center, a private research group.

"The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 1.1 million illegal immigrants last year. Thousands more have been arrested or removed from their jobs since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, which triggered closer government scrutiny of hiring practices at potential target buildings."

The arguments for the current illegal immigrants employed, paying taxes is a poor excuse for leniency. What can possibly be said about their reasoning for not attempting legal migration processes....fear?? Fear is when your life is endangered, fear is terrorism, fear is being a hard working American unemployed because the hiring of illegals have taken away your family's livelihood.

By Mae