Wednesday, April 13, 2005

More Border Madness

Will I ever cease to be shocked by news like this? If I do, shoot me because this is just getting to outrageous. The Minuteman Project is having some impact, so now the Mexican government is using its military to escort its citizens to more remote areas of the border to make it easier to cross ILLEGALLY into the United States!!! WTF? Who does this asshat, Vicente Fox, think he is? Where is President Bush? His silence is deafening. Seems the only voice in the federal government I keep hearing is Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Col). This is what he had to say during an interview today with local San Diego radio talk show host Rick Roberts:

"President Bush should publicly denounce Mexico's latest act to curb U.S. law," said Tancredo. "The president of Mexico is threatening to sue any member of the Minutemen who have contact with a Mexican national, threatening to take the U.S. into the International Court of Justice at The Hague over the passage of Prop 200 in Arizona, and is providing transportation to Mexican nationals trying to sneak into the U.S. One could say he is acting in the best interest of his nation. Isn't it unfortunate we cannot say the same thing about President Bush?"

Well, Mr. President? This groundswell has gotten some momentum, and you can no longer ignore it. If you let this go unchecked it will negate anything else good that you have done. This is more imperative than any single cause, foreign or domestic, and that includes Iraq. What good does it do to chase terrorists all over the Middle East when our border is wide open, and we already have reports from Border Patrol agents who have found Arabic newspapers in the desert along border crossing routes? Homeland Security? Piffle, Mr. President.

This is only going to get worse, folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, as my daughter was moving from just north of Houston to Beaumont, on a return trip, she was caught in a traffic jam - on one of the back-country roads. A bridge on this road was being repaired/renovated - but some illegals decided the portion of the 'modular home' they were moving could fit through the single, narrow lane available. They found out the hard way it wouldn't - the local cops were trying to get them backed up & re-routed. {None of the cops apparently spoke Spanish.} Dawn crawls forward - the senior cop asks her if she speaks Spanish {BTW, my daughter has a Dresden complexion, with reddish-blonde hair & green eyes} - when she said yes, he tasked her with telling the illegals - the illegals tried to tell her they didn't understand her - now, we lived for 2.5 YEARS in Mexico - yeah, Dawn has a "Regio" accent {the Monterrey area} - BUT - Dawn speaks the Mexican vernacular - when they continued to play dumb, Dawn just looked them dead in the eye & said 2 words - "La migra" - suddenly, it was understood that the trailer HAD TO MOVE ...............

12:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to did Fox get a grip on the President's jewels? I can't for the life of me believe that our CIC actually listens to this guy, and hears nothing of the screeching din the rest of us are broadcasting.
It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

A Marine's Mom

8:13 AM  
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