Saturday, April 30, 2005

One More Rant

Regarding our earlier post about the father who protested a "Bobby has 2 Daddies" type of textbook being foisted upon his 6 year old child and being subsequently arrested for confronting the school superintendent and refusing to leave, all I can say is that if it was my kid, I would have spent a lot more time than one night in jail. If some pansy-ass educrat told me that I had, "no right to control whether or not (my) child is taught about same-sex marriage," he would be in the hospital for every day I spent in jail. I would clear the room of anybody who got in my way. These arrogant, self-righteous, narcissistic sycophants make me sick, and I would make a disfigured example out of this one. Hey, if I'm going to be arrested, it's going to be for something more worthwhile than trespassing.

This perversity disguised as diversity has got to stop, especially when it comes to our kids. When they get old enough to make their own choices, that's a different story, but to try to pass off an anomaly, a severe break from the norm, as normal to impressionable young children is a crime in my book. The parents are to be the final arbitters of what is acceptable to their children, not the Almighty State and the deranged lunatics that run our public education systems. Got a problem with that? Step up to the plate and be heard. I'd love to hear from you...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe, your last paragraph summed up what the whole problem is....who has control of the children. Back in around 1990 we were involved in the private/home school movement in Michigan. There was a court battle fought up to the US Supreme Court whether teachers had to be certified. By certified it meant state approved and members of the National Education Association, teachers union. It was proven court that the quality of education the children received wasn't the issue as the home / private school kids tested at least two grades higher than their public school counterparts. The main issue was who had control of the children. The State of Michigan considered children a resource of the state and thus they should control them. The Supreme Court kicked it back to the state courts and then Governor Engler, a decent honorable man, got elected and sided with us, the parents.

2:34 AM  

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