Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Words of Wisdom

The Washington Times: AP: "'Those of you that are bad-mouthing every other suggestion out there, suggest your own plans,' the 71-year-old part-time farmer exhorted, his voice rising. This came after a panelist at Grassley's initial hearing on the politically volatile issue of restructuring the retirement program suggested that benefit cuts and other changes triggered by creation of personal accounts would be more harmful than projected cuts under the existing structure.

'Doing nothing is not an option, because doing nothing is a cut in benefits,' the senator declared. 'Grandpa Grassley gets Social Security, but my granddaughter, when she retires 56 years from now, if we do nothing, is going to get this cut that you're talking about. You can rationalize it all you want to, but by golly, she's entitled to what I got, because her dad and younger people are paying for it.'"


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