Tuesday, May 17, 2005

News Bytes

Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Party, said yesterday that the US House majority leader, Tom DeLay, ''ought to go back to Houston where he can serve his jail sentence," referring to allegations of unethical conduct against the Republican leader.
This was their number one boy over at Dummycrat central in last year's Presidential campaign. Then he imploded with the "scream heard 'round the world" after the Iowa Caucus. Now he's the national chairman of the DNC. Go figure. Even though I was listening to the primary live on the radio and heard the "Dean Scream" with my own 2 ears, apparently Eric Wasserman at the Miami Herald and other libs have been saying that the scream never happened, or, at least, I didn't hear what I thought I heard - another case of "Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining." Hey, Goebbels said that if you repeat a lie often enough it will become the truth; the Left takes its cues from the best. But I digress.

The Dummycrats must be masochists because they keep shooting themselves in the foot repeatedly, and I'll gladly hand them bullets all day long. Let Howard "Chucky" Dean keep running his mouth. The Dems will never get it. But we do. The days of you liberal buffoons throwing shit on a wall hoping that some of it sticks are over. There are too many of us onto you, and we are not letting you get away with your bullshit anymore. You want to pick on DeLay? There's plenty of shit to be found on your side of the fence, and we'll throw it right back at you.
...House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is under fire for an adviser’s nine-day, $4,475 junket to Spain and Germany last April, a trip primarily paid for by a nonprofit transportation-research organization Pelosi had helped to secure Federal Transit Administration monies, according to a report in the Washington Times.
Message to Nancy Pelosi: You're a loud-mouth twat. You have no room to talk. STFU already.


What a pendejo. This idioto is just too much. Actually, there are three idiotos mentioned here, but in this case, I'm referring to Fox.
African American leaders, including the Revs. Jesse Jackson and
Al Sharpton, called on Fox to apologize.

In telephone conversations with Jackson and Sharpton, Fox said he "regretted any hurt feelings" and has great respect "for the African-American community in the United States," according to a statement from his administration.
**Addendum** Why were Hi-Jackson and Sharp-Tongue the ones to call Fox on the carpet? I don't know one black person back in the US who considers either of these extortionist con men "African-American leaders." Who appointed them as ambassadors to Mexico? Where is President Bush on this? While I applaud him in the overall War on Terror, it is painfully clear that President Bush has no cajones when it comes to dealing with the Mexican jumping bean, Fox.

Message to Vicente Fox: Chupan mis juevos, maricon.


Here's one from the "This twit just doesn't get it" files. Ladies, guys will buy things from you if you look hot. In this case, drinks. Call it sexist, call it whatever, but it's just the way it is; always has been, always will be.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A federal appeals court agreed on Friday to reconsider the case of a bartender who was fired from her job at a Nevada casino for refusing to wear lipstick, blush and other make-up.

"What makes it discriminatory is that it requires women to present themselves in a particularly feminine way," said the attorney, Jennifer Pizer of Lambda Legal in Los Angeles.
Let me see if I got this right: Chick works her way up from dishwasher to bartender over the course of 20 years at a major casino. Her contract says she is to wear lipstick and make-up. Why? Presumably because most of the casino clientele are men, and the casino wants to sell booze. They figure that a hot chick will sell more booze than some dude (we are talking Vegas, not San Francisco). Now this dumbass feels the policy doesn't agree with her, and she is suing.

We're not talking a real brainy profession here - we're talking bartender. I know a lot of people make a damn good living as bartenders, but you mean to tell me that this is the only thing this chick can do? If you don't like your job, terms of employment, or the working conditions, it is America: GET ANOTHER JOB, DUMBASS!

The case is being heard in the 9th Jerk-it Court of Schlemiels, which already said she has no case, but is now going to revisit this nonsense.
In December, Jespersen's case was dismissed by a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which said the policy was legal. Without comment, the court reversed the ruling on Friday and ordered the case to be reheard by an 11-judge panel.
This reminds me of a bit that Chris Rock did a while back where he was talking about sexual harrassment in the work place. I don't know that it really applies here, but it's funny anyway. It went something like this:
If your boss says to you, "Sleep with me, or you're fired," THAT'S sexual harrassment. Everything else...is just trying to get laid...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

9th Jerk-it Court of Schlemiels -- very funny!

4:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's a cabron and a pendejo?

6:35 AM  
Blogger Mae said...

I dont know Lisa, I have to wait until Joe awakens to ask him ...hmmmm guessing it is not a compliment though lol

6:41 AM  
Blogger Tyler said...

Is anyone really surprised about any of this?

8:48 AM  
Blogger Mae said...

Vilmar, I did include "pendejo" at the outset.

Lisa, the word "cabron" escapes me at the moment. "Pendejo" is, ummm, a word that is a contracted version of the male name "Richard," referring to a male appendage...LOL!!!

Tyler, nobody should be surprised about any of this nonsense, but it is fun to write about! LOL!

10:38 AM  
Blogger Mae said...

Oh, Lisa, "9th Jerk-it Court of Schlemiels" is a Michael Savage-ism that I borrowed. It IS funny, isn't it?

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Michael Savage!

11:27 AM  
Blogger WarWagon said...

How this nonsense ever makes it past the filing stage is beyond me. That's been the rule for a very long time and this hag doesn't think it should apply to her. Get over it and either stfu or move on...

5:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »

11:55 AM  

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