Tuesday, May 17, 2005


When I first heard about the Koran-gate ballyhoo last week, I dismissed it as a non-story; who cares, right? If these ignorant camel jockeys want to riot and kill because of a book supposedly flushed down a toilet, big deal. The fact that they will come out in droves to riot and kill over supposed "desecration" of a book, yet are amazingly silent when their brothers decapitate a hostage with a dull butter knife, speaks volumes about what a culture of death Islam is.

But then it occurred to me that a Koran is a fairly big book - roughly the size of a Bible - and it would have to be a toilet with either a large hole or a lot of suction to successfully flush such a large book. So in the interest of accuracy in reporting, I performed my own experiment. I went to my local bookseller and purchased a hard-bound copy of the Koran. Upon returning home I placed the book in my toilet and flushed it; and flushed it again, and again. Guess what: IT DIDN'T WORK!!!!

So, in order for our Muslim friends to believe such a hoax, either they have very strong suction in their toilets, or the hole in the bottom of their toilets is very large. Since most Muslim goat fornicators shit in a hole in the ground and don't know what a toilet even is, I can see how they could fall for such a rumor.

I now have a soggy Koran and a clogged toilet. I need to go find the plunger...

**UPDATE** Reader BobF just informed me that the desecratory flushing my have actually occurred at the hands of one of Muslim's finest...and he cheated: He tore the pages out before flushing!
On Thursday, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Richard Myers told reporters that the only evidence of any Koran desecration unearthed so far was a log notation describing a Muslim prisoner tossing pages from his holy book into the toilet.

"A detainee was reported by a guard to be ripping pages out of a Koran and putting them in a toilet to stop it up as a protest," Gen. Myers said, in quotes picked up by the Washington Times. "But not where the U.S. did it."


Blogger MoroseJew said...

I for one, will be going out, buying a Koran and mailing one charred page after the other to the Arab league.

11:56 AM  
Blogger BobF said...

Turns out it was acutally a Muslim prisoner tearing the pages out of a Koran and stuffing them down a toilet, trying to plug it up. So much for their respect of their holy book.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would need to flush many times to get the whole Koran into the sewer system then. That makes sense.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Tyler said...

I have a stump grinder. We could try and see if that helps get the Koran down the dumper.

Maybe the blender would help...

4:23 PM  

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