Thursday, May 05, 2005

The USA vs. China and the EU?

Lots of us have been making fun of the EU and all their self-destructive, liberal, over-tolerance-in-an-attempt-to-be-more-just-and-fair-minded-to-all bullshit. From oil for food to opposing us at every turn prior to invading Iraq, it never seems to end. But with this little eye-opening piece, it's hard to really refer to certain EU member nations as allies anymore. Now they want to lift an embargo on weapon sales to China.

Seems at least one EU country, Germany, is having problems, as Berlin's economy is in the toilet.

So what are the Euro weenies to do? What they have always done: sell their grandmothers' souls if it will save there sorry asses. Check out what this guy has to say about it, and read all the links there, too.

If the EU does start selling weapons to China it will at the very least alter our relations with them and what technology we would share with them in the future. Is this the continuation of the Orwellian vision of Eastasia, Oceania, and Eurasia constantly at war in ever shifting alliances between the three?


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