Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Ultimate Price, Even That's Too Good A Sentence

Man�convicted of missile plot - Apr 27, 2005: "NEWARK, New Jersey -- A British man accused of trying to smuggle shoulder-held missiles into the United States and offering to obtain a radioactive 'dirty bomb' for terrorists was found guilty Wednesday in U.S. District Court on all five of the counts he faced."

I wish he paid the price he ultimately wanted the 'dirty bomb' victims to pay.

"U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie called Lakhani "a victim of his own conduct" who was willing to sell arms "with the expressed purpose to have them used to kill innocent American citizens."

And look at what his scum lawyer has to say.

"Lakhani's lawyer, Henry Klingemen, told CNN, "We accept the verdict but we're disappointed. ... We had an entrapment defense which is still a good defense." He said he will wait until the sentencing to decide on whether to appeal."

What possible excuse is good enough for a foiled mass murderer? Answer: NONE. Tthe intent, purpose and use of the bomb was/is quite obvious.


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