Friday, May 13, 2005

Ask Yourselves

Whose Rights Are More Important:
"LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) --A federal judge Thursday struck down Nebraska's ban on gay marriage, saying the measure interferes not only with the rights of gay couples but also with those of foster parents, adopted children and people in a host of other living arrangements."
The States try in vain it seems to have their people's voices heard, and made law, only to have federal judges over rule their wishes. Why do referendums exist at all?

The basic question one must ask is, who has more rights, seventy percent of the population or the small percent of gays affected by the banning of same sex marriage? Marriage is between a man and woman, fullstop, in my opinion. Why can't gays accept civil unions as the product of their lifestyle choices? Why do they feel the need to ape the institution of marriage? Why don't they simply write wills, leaving their properties to one another? And come on, health plans that included children and partners came about due to the fact women get pregnant and can't work and give birth at the same time, or nurse and work.....sheesh.
"Seventy percent of Nebraskans voted for the amendment to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman, and I believe that the citizens of this state have a right to structure their constitution as they see fit," Bruning said.
Hell if they don't like it they need not live in Nebraska; they can always go here:
Massachusetts has allowed gay marriage since last May. Vermont has offered civil unions to gays since 2000; Connecticut will begin offering civil unions in October.


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