Friday, May 13, 2005

Connecticut Executes Serial Killer

SOMERS, Conn. - A serial killer who fought to hasten his own execution and was forced to prove he wasn't out of his mind was put to death early Friday in New England's first execution in 45 years. Michael Ross, 45, died by injection at 2:25 a.m. after fighting off attempts by public defenders, death penalty foes and his own family to spare his life.
What the hell is wrong here? It's like Alice in fucking Wonderland. I'll never understand these lunatics who have more sympathy for a murderous scum bag than for his victims or their families. This animal wanted to die and pay for his crimes, and his lawyers and father tried to stop the execution, citing some other half-assed, concocted, victimologist bullshit mental condition:
Desperate to save his life, public defenders and Ross' family had argued that Ross suffered from "death row syndrome" — that is, he had become deranged from living most of the past 18 years under a death sentence.
Excuse me, but some moonbat shrinks and lawyers came up with "death row syndrome?" WTF???!!! Read the rest of the story. All I can say is that this low-life got off a lot easier with an injection than his victims did. Good


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Bout time!
btw-that monster-Jerry Hobbs-who stabbed his daughter and a friend to death in Zion Illinois on Sunday-well even if he gets the death penalty he won't be executed.
WHY?!! Because Ill-ANNOY has a moritorium on the death penalty.
Criminals know that no matter what they do-in Illinois they won't fry.
They say it's about "justice" for the accused.
What about justice for the VICTIMS?!!!!

6:10 AM  
Blogger BobF said...

230 Grains of Jacketed Hollow Point, 1/2 inch above the bridge of the nose is the only justice Jerry Hobbs needs.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Tyler said...

It's good that Connecticut broke their streak.

12:28 PM  

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