Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Enemy Watch: Democratic Underground

Many of you know that I am very Machiavellian in my ways, and I believe in the idea of "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." So, as a public service to our readers, we peruse the Leftist sites on a regular basis to see what the enemy is up to. Today we bring you this from the uber-moonbats at Democratic Underground:
He had been in American custody right before he supposedly picked up by Al Qaeda. One of the individuals here noted that the killers appeared to be white from what he could see of them. Berg was wearing the orange prison garb prisoners of the Americans are wearing. Our government refused to help the Berg family. Bin Laden's gang is the least likely group to be picking up people in Iraq as there aren't that many of them there as compared to other Iraqi groups.

The most important question of any criminal investigation is "Who benefited?" Suddenly, Repugs are saying the Iraqi prisoners deserved the abuse.

So who do you think killed him?
The two choices in this scientific poll are: 1) People working for U.S. Government or 2) People working for Al Quaeda. 73% of the highly intelligent conspiracy theorists at DU who responded answered choice number 1. It's ironic that the pollmaster (take that any way you want) calls himself "Genius."

Michael Savage is correct: Liberalism IS a mental disorder. These people are living proof.


Blogger Tyler said...

You are not kidding it's a damn disorder. Anyone who can think that crap and breathe at the same time is something else. I just don't know what.

Its sad really, but I don't feel sorry; I pity them.

4:59 PM  
Blogger Mae said...

Yeppers, these clowns on the Left are something else. Too much crack makes them parnoid. It's good that we keep an eye on them though, no matter how painful it is to read the crap they put out there. Know thine enemy, brother.

5:10 PM  

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